Genuine Vanilla Powder Sprayed onto a Dextrose Base



Genuine Vanilla Powder is great for breakfast bars, teas, granola, fresh fruits, dusting chocolate and so much more!

Powdered Vanilla Genuine a condiment to shake onto berries, coffee, chai or latte's.

6 Ounces in a Dextrose Base and packaged in a clear plastic stand up  pouch.

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Powdered Vanilla Genuine a condiment to shake onto berries, coffee, chai or latte's.

1 Pound in a Dextrose Base and packaged in a red foil stand up pouch.  

Vanilla-powders.jpg (24399 bytes)



 Organic Petal Ideas:  Batchelor's Buttons, Borage, Calendulas, Dianthus, Geraniums, Lavender, Impatience,  Johnny-Jump Ups, Nasturtiums, Chrysanthemums, Stock, Pansies.

How to Sugar Coat Edible Petals

2 large egg whites, at room temperature
1 teaspoon water
1 dozen pesticide-free edible flowers, such as violets, marigolds, and rose petals
1 cup of Vanilla Powder


In a small bowl, combine the egg whites and water; beat lightly with a fork. Dip a paint brush in the egg whites and gently paint a flower – covering the petals thoroughly but not excessively. While still wet, gently sprinkle the coated petals with the powdered vanilla. Put the crystallized flowers on a sheet pan lined with waxed paper to dry for 12 to 24 hours. Use to top cakes and desserts.